We aim to provide high quality homes for our customers, making sure they are safe, affordable and energy efficient. We’re committed to meeting the needs of our existing and future residents, as we deliver more homes for people in Salford and beyond, that are fit for the future.
Deliver our home quality standard whilst building a safer and greener future.
Maintain 100% home safety compliance.
Implement a new Salix Homes property standard.
Here are some of the ways we will achieve it…
- Deliver the requirements of the Building Safety Act.
- Review our property quality standards and ensure we have a data-driven approach to the management of our assets.
A national leader in building safety standards and sustainable developments.
By 2025 we will have building safety cases for all our high-rise buildings.
By 2025 we will have increased satisfaction with our responsive repairs service to 80%.
Delivering quality, diverse and affordable homes
Be delivering quality, sustainable and affordable homes.
Here's how we will achieve it...
- Develop and implement a five-year Growth and Development Strategy.
By 2025 we will have built a minimum of 250 new affordable properties.