Building our future
Welcome to Salix Homes’ Annual Review for 2021-22, which showcases our performance and achievements over the past year, explains how we’ve responded to the challenges we’ve faced and sets out our key priorities for the future.
We’re about so much more than just providing homes, we deliver services to improve lives and enhance communities, as well as provide support to help our customers to live, grow and thrive.
The past year has not been without its challenges, but we’re proud to report another year of strong progress and growth, strengthening our relationship with customers, improving homes and communities across Salford and expanding our housing stock.
We were incredibly proud to see the completion of our Poets development in Swinton, which has delivered 160 brand new homes, while our development programme has continued at a pace, with new homes starting to take shape at our ambitious Neighbourhood and Greenhaus developments.
Building Safety continues to be a key focus, and this year has seen us further cement our commitment to ensuring the safety of our homes and our customers, both now and in the future.
If there’s anything we’ve learnt from history, it’s that we can’t underestimate the power of Customer Voice and how crucial it is to listen to our customers and take action from what they tell us, and we’re incredibly proud to have received national recognition this year for our modern approach to customer engagement.
Of course, the challenges facing our communities, our organisation and our sector are growing, with the cost-of-living crisis, climate change, the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic and the housing crisis, all high on our agenda.
However, we’re confident we can continue to face these challenges pro-actively and positively and ensure we remain fit for the future. We pride ourselves on being a forward-thinking and progressive housing association, which is well-equipped to meet the demands of a modern world – for our customers, our communities and our colleagues.
In 2020, amidst a global pandemic, we launched our ambitious 3 year corporate plan, ‘Our Future’. Whilst we are proud of what we have achieved against a backdrop of great uncertainty and unprecedented challenges, we will be reviewing our corporate priorities during 2022/23 to ensure we are still on the right track to build back better and fairer and ensure we are focusing on the right things to support our colleagues, customers and communities to weather this ‘perfect storm’. In April 2023 we will publish Version 2.0 of our Corporate Plan, Our Future, setting out our key priorities for 2023-25.
Sue Sutton
Chief executive
Jim Battle
Chair of the Board
About this review
This review provides a whistle-stop tour of our year and is divided into three main areas: Our Homes, Our Business and Our Services and highlights the things we’re doing that shows the difference we make across our communities and your homes.
It picks out some highlights, challenges and successes of 2021-22 as well as showing how we performed in some key areas.