Focus on...
The cost-of-living crisis, rising energy prices and the ongoing fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic is hitting many of our customers hard.
Our Income Management Team are here to provide free financial advice and support to those who are worried about their finances and struggling to pay their rent and bills.
From ensuring our tenants are claiming the benefits they’re entitled to, to giving out food vouchers and assisting people to apply to the Salix Hardship Fund, our dedicated officers are on hand to support people who are experiencing financial difficulties.
'During the past year alone, the team has helped secure an additional £132,688 in benefits for customers and given out £11,550 through our Hardship Fund.
One particular customer contacted the team for support after a marital breakdown. They had never had a bank account before and had no experience in managing their finances.
We were able to get their Universal Credit payments set up and onto their rent account. Through a referral to Salford Assist, we were also able to secure food and energy vouchers and helped them through the process of setting up their own bank account. We also referred them to our Furniture Recycling Team to pick out some household items, all of which has made a real difference and helped ease the financial burden.