Building Our Future
Welcome to our first Annual Review since the start of our three-year corporate plan, ‘Our Future’ last year. Our Future sets out how we plan to meet the challenges of climate change, changing consumer behaviour, a housing crisis and of course, the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the face of all of this is our determination that our homes, business and services are fit for the future and deliver what our customers and communities want and in 2020/21, we have made some significant steps on this journey. Our commitment to building safety has seen us complete our safety improvement programme across all our high-rise buildings and we continue to advise government on how the industry should approach building safety following the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
We’ve continued our development programme, with more than 100 new affordable homes created in Salford in the last year and further investment in hundreds of our existing homes.
The year has also seen us cement the customer voice firmly at the heart of the business, with our new Customer Committee and scrutiny groups in place, making sure that customers have a direct and powerful influence on our services. We were really proud to see the committee recognised as Best Resident Involvement Initiative at the Northern Housing Awards.
There is so much more to come over the coming years, but in the meantime, take a few moments to look at our review of the year to see how we have done across our homes, business and services.
Sue Sutton
Chief executive
Jim Battle
Chair of the Board
About this review
This review provides a whistle-stop tour of our year and is divided into three main areas: Our Homes, Our Business and Our Services.
It picks out some highlights, challenges and successes of 2020-21 as well as showing how we performed in some key areas.
It also details how we are progressing with the first year of our three-year plan; Our Future.